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Showing posts from October, 2016

Another Imperfect Musing

Why do I love watches? There is a small and seemingly lame fact to this. Before I tell you the fact, let me tell you a small incident from my past. My grandfather, Mr. W. Thomas Victor loved watches too. I may easily say that this trait runs in our family(maybe it does!) but it is not just a hereditary thing. It is certainly not an irony that my grandfather had a "Grandfather clock" at his place - A big free standing, weight driven pendulum clock with the pendulum held inside the tower of the case. Every half an hour it would do a ding-dong and every hour it would strike as many ding-dongs as the time it showed. I have such beautiful memories of me waking up at 12 in the night just to count the number of ding-dongs. My grandfather used to share certain things that would put an encyclopedia to shame. There was this time when I was about to start the usual brother-sister argument(for fun) and my grandfather stepped in. It all started with my sister using ...